Mill City Alerts


Stay Alert, Stay Safe with Mill City Alerts

Date Posted : 05/19/2023 - 18:04 - By : R. Bryant (MC1) Title : Welcome to Mill City Alerts    

Welcome everyone to Mill City Alerts. At MCA we strive for one goal to provide our followers with access to the latest happenings of emergency services, as well as news of interest for the City of Lowell, the state of Massachusetts, and the United States. For those followers who are hard core emergency services buffs, local officials or anyone wants up to the minute updates MCA offers many ways to obtain our alerts. We offer social media accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and more coming soon. We also offer a Zello channel "MCA 1 - Systemwide" for those who wish to get in on the action and offer us information from the field. We also have a tips email where you can send us tips or news suggestions email. There will be more options for you to both follow and get involved in MCA we are just getting started so please join us and stay informed.